ISF - Shadertoy - raymarching-Adding Shapes llG3WD
"Automatically Converted"
"DESCRIPTION": "Automatically converted from by harrisscott. simple ray marching example with help from reddit, adding boxes to create a primitive cross shape.\ncredit to this post for the fundamental raymarching principals:",
"TYPE": "float",
"MIN": 0.0001,
"MAX": 2,
"DEFAULT": 0.001
"NAME": "side_1_h",
"TYPE": "float",
"MIN": 0.5,
"MAX": 10,
"NAME": "side_1_w",
"TYPE": "float",
"MIN": 0.5,
"MAX": 1,
"DEFAULT": 0.5
"NAME": "side_2_h",
"TYPE": "float",
"MIN": 0.5,
"MAX": 10,
"NAME": "side_3_h",
"TYPE": "float",
"MIN": 0.5,
"MAX": 10,
/* ***************************************************** */
float sphere(vec3 pos, float radius)
return length(pos) - radius;
/* ***************************************************** */
float Box(vec3 pos, vec3 b)
return length(max(abs(pos)-b,0.0));
/* ***************************************************** */
float Torus( vec3 p, vec2 t )
vec2 q = vec2(length(p.xz)-t.x,p.y);
return length(q)-t.y;
/* ***************************************************** */
float AddTheseTwoShapes(float firstShape, float secondShape)
return min(firstShape, secondShape);
/* ***************************************************** */
float BoxCross(vec3 pos)
return AddTheseTwoShapes(AddTheseTwoShapes(Box(pos, vec3(side_1_h,side_1_w,0.5)),Box(pos, vec3(0.5,0.5,side_3_h))),Box(pos, vec3(0.5,side_2_h,0.5)));
/* ***************************************************** */
float displacement(vec3 p)
return sin(p.x)*sin(p.y)*sin(p.z);
/* ***************************************************** */
float opDisplace( vec3 p )
float d1 = Torus(p, vec2(1.0,1.0));
float d2 = displacement(p);
return d1+d2;
float opRep(vec3 p, vec3 c)
vec3 q = mod(p,c)-0.5*c;
return opDisplace(q);
/* ***************************************************** */
float distfunc(vec3 pos)
return BoxCross(pos);
/* ***************************************************** */
void main()
vec3 cameraOrigin = vec3(4.0, 2.0*cos(TIME), 2.0*sin(TIME));
vec3 cameraTarget = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
vec3 upDirection = vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
vec3 cameraDir = normalize(cameraTarget - cameraOrigin);
vec3 cameraRight = normalize(cross(upDirection, cameraOrigin));
vec3 cameraUp = cross(cameraDir, cameraRight);
vec2 uv = isf_FragNormCoord.xy;
vec2 screenPos = -1.0 + 2.0 * isf_FragNormCoord.xy; // screenPos can range from -1 to 1
screenPos.x *= RENDERSIZE.x / RENDERSIZE.y; // Correct aspect ratio
vec3 rayDir = normalize(cameraRight * screenPos.x + cameraUp * screenPos.y + cameraDir);
const int MAX_ITER = 100; // 100 is a safe number to use, it won't produce too many artifacts and still be quite fast
const float MAX_DIST = 20.0; // Make sure you change this if you have objects farther than 20 units away from the camera
//const float EPSILON = 0.001; // At this distance we are close enough to the object that we have essentially hit it
float totalDist = 0.0;
vec3 pos = cameraOrigin;
float dist = EPSILON;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ITER; i++)
// Either we've hit the object or hit nothing at all, either way we should break out of the loop
if (dist < EPSILON || totalDist > MAX_DIST)
break; // If you use windows and the shader isn't working properly, change this to continue;
dist = distfunc(pos); // Evalulate the distance at the current point
totalDist += dist;
pos += dist * rayDir; // Advance the point forwards in the ray direction by the distance
if (dist < EPSILON)
// Lighting code
gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);
vec2 eps = vec2(0.0, EPSILON);
vec3 normal = normalize(vec3(
distfunc(pos + eps.yxx) - distfunc(pos - eps.yxx),
distfunc(pos + eps.xyx) - distfunc(pos - eps.xyx),
distfunc(pos + eps.xxy) - distfunc(pos - eps.xxy)));
float diffuse = max(0.0, dot(-rayDir, normal));
float specular = pow(diffuse, 35.0);
vec3 color = vec3(diffuse + specular);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);
gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 0.0);
/* ***************************************************** */