ISF - Shadertoy - Motion without Movement 2 3ll3z2
"Automatically Converted",
"DESCRIPTION": "Automatically converted from by FabriceNeyret2. Testing various modulations to convey illusion of motion.\ninspired from paper [url][/url]",
"INPUTS": []
void main() {
vec2 R = RENDERSIZE.xy,
U = 2.* gl_FragCoord.xy / R.y,
D = cos(.3*TIME-vec2(0,1.57)); // custom dir
if (U.x>3.) { gl_FragColor-=gl_FragColor; return; }
int i = int(U.x)+3*int(U.y); // pannel id
U = 2.*fract(U)-1.; // pannel coords
float t = 10.*TIME,
kl = 50., // wavelenght
kr = .1, // border width
l = length(U), r = .5,
m = smoothstep(-kr,kr,r-l), // disk mask
b = .5-.5*cos(6.28*m), // border zone (where effect occurs)
x = dot(U,D), // pos along D
d = x*x+r*r-l*l, s = -x+sign(x)*sqrt(d), // distance to disk in dir D
phi = i==0 ? kl*l // radial
: i==1 ? kl*x // axial
: i==2 ? d > 0. ? kl*s : t // axial from disk
: i==3 ? d > 0. && x < 0. ? kl*s : t // axial left to disk
: i==4 ? -kl*l
: i==5 ? d > 0. && x < 0. ? -kl*s : t
: t;
gl_FragColor = vec4( m + .25*b*sin(phi-t) ); // magic draw