ISF - Shadertoy - Meta regular n-gons lly3zc

	"IMPORTED": [],
		"Automatically Converted"
	"DESCRIPTION": "Automatically converted from by twitchingace.  Mucking about, trying to implement regular meta n-gons.",
	"INPUTS": []

// Set COL to 0. to see the shapes colorized.
// Use ISSOLID in conjunction with ISTHRESHOLDto determine if
// the shape should be filled in.

#define COL 1.
#define ISSOLID 0
#define PI 3.14159
#define MAXSIDES 10

struct metaball{
    vec2 pos;
    vec3 colour;
    float radius;

struct metangon{
vec2 pos;
    int numSides;
    vec3 colour;
    float radius;

vec2 rotate(in vec2 vec, in float rot){
    vec2 newVec;
	newVec.x = vec.x * cos(rot) - vec.y * sin(rot);
	newVec.y = vec.x * sin(rot) + vec.y * cos(rot);
    return newVec;

vec3 doMetangon(in metangon mngon, in vec2 testPoint, in float rot){
    // Basically, we want to fake a "distance" to use by finding the projection
    // of the vector from the center of the shape to the testPoint onto the
    // normal (scaled by "radius") of each side, and take the biggest one.

    vec2 testVec = testPoint - mngon.pos;
    vec2 sideNormal = vec2(0., mngon.radius);
    sideNormal = rotate(sideNormal, rot);
    float maxDist = dot(testVec, normalize(sideNormal));
    for (int i = 1; i < MAXSIDES; i++){
        // A silly hack to get around the need for constant loop iterations
        if (i >= mngon.numSides){
        sideNormal = rotate(sideNormal, radians(360./ float(mngon.numSides)));
        maxDist = max(maxDist, dot(testVec, normalize(sideNormal)));

    return mngon.colour * mngon.radius / maxDist;

vec3 doMetaball(in metaball mball, in vec2 testPoint){
    vec2 pos = mball.pos;
	return mball.colour *  mball.radius/length(pos - testPoint);

void main()
	vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / RENDERSIZE.xx;

    metaball ball1 = metaball(vec2(0.5+ .5*cos(TIME + 0.4), 0.25 + .2*sin(TIME)),
                              vec3(COL,1.,1.), .1);
    metangon cube1 = metangon(vec2(0.5 + .5 * sin(TIME), 0.15), 4,
                              vec3(1.,1., COL), .07);
    metangon tri1 = metangon(vec2(abs(0.3 + .5 * sin(TIME)), 0.4 + .2 * cos(TIME)), 3,
                              vec3(1.,COL, 1.), .07);
    metaball ball2 = metaball(vec2(abs(0.1 + sin(TIME)), 0.2 + 0.2 * cos(TIME)),
                              vec3(1., COL, COL), 0.05);
    metangon pentagon1 = metangon(vec2(0.5, abs(0.3 + .2 * sin(TIME * 0.7 + 5.))), 5,
                              vec3(COL, 1., COL), .075);
    metangon septagon1 = metangon(vec2(abs(0.4 + sin(TIME)), 0.4 - 0.2 * cos(TIME)), 7,
                              vec3(1., 1., 1.), 0.06);

    vec3 rgb = vec3(0.);
    rgb += doMetaball(ball2, uv);
    rgb += doMetaball(ball1, uv);
    rgb += doMetangon(cube1, uv, TIME * 1.1 + 0.3);
	rgb += doMetangon(tri1, uv, TIME);
    rgb += doMetangon(pentagon1, uv, -TIME);
    rgb += doMetangon(septagon1, uv, 0.);
    rgb /= 1.75;

    #if ISTHRESHOLD == 1
    float threshold = 1.;
    if (rgb.x <= threshold){
        rgb.x = 0.;
    if (rgb.y <= threshold){
        rgb.y = 0.;
    if (rgb.z <= threshold){
        rgb.z = 0.;
    #if ISSOLID == 0
    if (rgb.x > threshold + 0.1 ||
        	rgb.y > threshold + 0.1 ||
        	rgb.z > threshold + 0.1){
        rgb = vec3(0.);

	gl_FragColor = vec4(rgb , 0.0);