ISF - Effect - Collage independd w h
"Geometry Adjustment",
"NAME": "inputImage",
"TYPE": "image"
"NAME": "seed",
"TYPE": "float",
"MIN": 0.01,
"MAX": 1,
"DEFAULT": 0.5
"NAME": "cell_size_w",
"TYPE": "float",
"MIN": 0.01,
"MAX": 1,
"DEFAULT": 0.25
"NAME": "cell_size_h",
"TYPE": "float",
"MIN": 0.01,
"MAX": 1,
"DEFAULT": 0.33
"NAME": "allow_flips_h",
"TYPE": "bool",
"NAME": "allow_flips_v",
"TYPE": "bool",
float rand(vec2 co){
return fract(sin(dot(co.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453);
void main()
// At 0.0 just do a pass-thru
if (cell_size_w == 0.0) {
gl_FragColor = IMG_THIS_PIXEL(inputImage);
else {
// Position of current pixel
vec2 xy;
xy.x = (isf_FragNormCoord.xy)[0];
xy.y = (isf_FragNormCoord.xy)[1];
// Left and right of tile
float CellWidth = cell_size_w;
float CellHeight = cell_size_h;
float x1 = floor(xy.x / CellWidth)*CellWidth;
float x2 = clamp((ceil(xy.x / CellWidth)*CellWidth), 0.0, 1.0);
// Top and bottom of tile
float y1 = floor(xy.y / CellHeight)*CellHeight;
float y2 = clamp((ceil(xy.y / CellHeight)*CellHeight), 0.0, 1.0);
// divide 1 by the cell width and cell height to determine the count
float rows = floor(1.0/CellHeight);
float cols = floor(1.0/CellWidth);
float count = floor(rows * cols);
// figure out the ID # of the region
float region = cols*floor(xy.x / CellWidth) + floor(xy.y / CellHeight);
// use this to draw the gradient of the regions as gray colors..
//gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(region/count),1.0);
// now translate this region to another random region using our seed and region
float translated = clamp(rand(vec2(region/count, seed)),0.0,1.0);
//translated = region/count;
//gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(translated),1.0);
// quantize the translated!
translated = floor(count * translated);
//gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(translated),1.0);
// now convert the translated region back to an xy location
// get the relative position within the original block and then add on the translated amount
xy.x = (xy.x - floor(xy.x / CellWidth)*CellWidth) + CellWidth * floor(translated / rows);
//xy.x = (xy.x - floor(xy.x / CellWidth)*CellWidth);
xy.y = xy.y - floor(xy.y / CellHeight)*CellHeight + CellHeight * floor(mod(translated , cols));
// lastly if flips are allowed, randomly flip h
if (allow_flips_h) {
float flipx = rand(vec2(translated, seed));
if (flipx > 0.5) {
xy.x = 1.0-xy.x;
if (allow_flips_v) {
float flipy = rand(vec2(translated, seed));
if (flipy > 0.5) {
xy.y = 1.0-xy.y;
gl_FragColor = IMG_NORM_PIXEL(inputImage, xy);